
Publications & Journals

journal1 A special issue of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, now in 33rd year of publication, is planned for a selected number of extended and updated versions of the most interesting/innovative computing papers presented at the 5th International Conference on Geotechnical, Structural and Construction Engineering (CIGOS 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 31-November 1, 2019. To be considered for possible publication in the special issue the manuscript

a) should present new computational research materials,

b) should not have been submitted to another journal/venue previously, and

c) should be extended with additional unpublished original computational contributions and be updated in a substantive way.

The overlap of the enhanced/updated paper with the published conference proceedings paper should not be more than 50%. Addition of literature review, introductory materials, and examples will not satisfy the condition of a substantially enhanced/different paper. The paper has to be significantly different than the conference paper. The assumption is that the contributor has an on-going research program in this area and is able to submit such a paper based on his/her most recent research findings since the submission of the conference paper.

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